Adding the coverage tool EclEmma plugin to Eclipse 4.4

Adding the coverage tool EclEmma plugin to Eclipse 4.4

Add the coverage tool EclEmma plugin to Eclipse 4.4.


EclEmma - Download

Download and unzip the zip file.

Overwrite only the features and plugins folders with eclipse.

Execute the following in the eclipse folder

eclipse.exe -clean.cmd

Now restart eclipse, right click on the JUnit test source, and if “Coverage” has been added, you are good to go.

To use eclemma, run “Coverage” – “JUnit Tests”.

The Coverage view will open and the source will be green, yellow, and red.

green…line that passed the test

yellow…Row with insufficient test results

red…Lines not passed by test

We will test to make sure that the coverage is 100%.

*Library (jacoco) created by EclEmma plugin team seems to be used as a coverage tool


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