How to check file size, commit user, and revision number with SVN commands

How to check file size, commit user, and revision number with SVN commands

There was a time when I wanted to check the size of a jar file using the SVN command on Windows, so here is how to do it using the svn list –verbose command.
If the svn URL contains Japanese characters (which is not the case when the URL contains Japanese characters in the first place), run chcp 932 at the command prompt.

C:\Users\takahashi-h5>svn list --verbose
  1301 takahashi         52957  12 16 15:31 hoge_lib.jar
出力内容 意味
1301 リビジョン番号
takahashi コミットユーザ
52957 ファイルサイズ
12 16 15:31 コミット時間
hoge_lib.jar ファイル


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