How to use Angular’s ngClass directive

How to use Angular’s ngClass directive

In Angular, there are class bindings and style bindings called style.~ and class.~. ngClass allows you to do the same.

It is possible to attach and detach (apply style on/off).

For more information on class binding and style binding, see “Angular’s Data Binding, a Mechanism”.

The ngClass directive should be used if you want to toggle multiple class attributes on and off.

[ngClass]="{'class属性1': true,'class属性2': false}"

Describe as above.


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  <table border="1">
    <tr *ngFor="let tmp of List;let i = index"
    [ngClass]="{'aaa': isColor[i]}">
  styles: [`{background-color: blue;}
export class AppComponent {
  isColor: boolean[] = [false];
  List = [{'name':'Takahashi'},{'name':'Maruyama'},{'name':'Okuyama'}];
  onColor(i:number) {
    for(let j = 0; j < this.List.length; j++) {
      this.isColor[j] = false;// Set all lines to false once
    this.isColor[i] = true;// True only for clicked rows.

Angular のngClass ディレクティブの使い方


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